StIMUNO Komplex

Product Code: STIM01

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£63.00 63.00


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The wealth of flavonoids in the dietetic product guarantees anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects, which is often essential to all of us.


Ingredients Quantity in 1 capsule
Reishi mushroom extract (80% beta-glucan) 120mg
Chlorophyllin copper complex 50mg
Northern blueberry extract 30mg
Grape seed extract 30 mg
Marigold flower extract (40% lutein) 40 mg
Tomato extract (lycopene 10%) 75 mg



Beta-glucans are natural immunomodulators of the human body, known as polysaccharides, or substances composed of glucose polymers. They are found in the cell walls of fungi, yeast and seaweed, etc.  They act positively on a weakened immune system, promote faster wound healing and recovery after surgery. They stimulate macrophages, have anti-inflammatory effects, provide support to the treatment of oncological diseases, lower cholesterol and maintain optimal blood sugar levels.

Another positive feature is that no interactions with other drugs have been detected.  Beta-glucans can be used for an extended period of time, without overdosing on them, however sufficient daily intake is essential, which is 100-200 mg / day.  The beneficial effects of beta-glucans have a positive effect on the immune system by stimulating cells, especially macrophages, and supporting their proper functioning.  Cells of the immune system, such as neutrophils, macrophages, lymphocytes or NK cells (natural killer cells), have  special so-called CR3 receptors on their surfaces, which are able to bind to beta-glucans, which support their efficiency.

Summing up, we conclude that the regular use of beta-glucans leads to better protection of the body against viruses, parasites, bacteria, and physical and psychological stress of the body.



Powerful remedy for cleansing the body.  Its active ingredients are extracted from good quality green plants.   Chlorophyll helps to preserve the soft tissues of the gastrointestinal tract, supports the healing of damaged mucous membranes and helps with digestive problems. Chlorophyll significantly neutralizes oxygen in the body, stimulates metabolism, prevents infections and eliminates the accumulated toxins in the body, since it is one of the most important antioxidants.



(extracted from blueberries and grapes)
Flavonoids are natural substances, with a variety of chemical structures, which contain a very extensive group of polyphenolic compounds.

Prof. Ancel Keys and other researchers from the United States studied them closely (Seven Countries Study.  Their work confirmed that the incidence of myocardial infarction and mortality, caused by coronary heart disease, decreased significantly with the increased use of flavonoids in diet. This fact was later confirmed in the Dutch, Japanese, Finnish, Italian studies and later, in the studies from other countries.  Flavonoids are now considered as protection factors, which reduce the risk for myocardial infarction and cardiovascular disease.  Later studies showed that they had an antitumor effect.

Today we know that oxidative stress of the organism plays a key role in the cause or subsequent development of more than 100 clinical pathologies. Flavonoids with their antioxidant action are actually able to help prevent the development of several pathophysiological processes, which are generally caused by detrimental effects of free oxygen radicals in the body.

Flavonoids, are a soluble substance in water which can be found in citrus fruits, small fruits, grapes, tomatoes, onions, apples and other fruits and vegetables, including mushrooms.   It can also be found in various pulpy fruit juices, tea, coffee and alcohol – beer, red and white wine in particular.  It is known that in Japan daily consumption of flavonoids is about 100 mg, and in Western Europe daily intake is estimated on 20-25mg. In addition, we have information that daily intake of 22 mg of quercetin (forerunner and representative of all bioflavonoids) has a strong protection role against myocardial infarction.


OPC antioxidants (Oligomeric proanthocyanidins)

OPC antioxidants are also included in bioflavonoids. They have powerful antioxidant and detoxing effects. They protect the body from free oxygen radicals. They are an important line of defence for the body, thus enhancing the function of the immune system. They are anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. They are great for helping to prevent urinary tract infections.



These liposoluble pigments are found mainly in plants, algae and photosynthetic bacteria. They make different kind of fruits, vegetables and flowers turn red, green and yellow in colour.  We are familiar with more than 600 different types of carotenoids. They are divided into two sub groups, according to whether or not they contain oxygen molecules.

The first group of xanthophylls includes: lutein, beta-cryptoxanthin and zeaxanthin.

The second group, which does not contain oxygen in its molecule, includes carotenes (alpha-carotene, beta-carotene and lycopene).

Carotenoids play a major role in the metabolism of vitamin A.  In some cases, they act as its precursors.  Vitamin A is formed in the liver. The precursors of Vitamin A are also alpha-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin.



Lutein is an antioxidant that manifests its positive effects on the eyes.   It is mostly concentrated in the lens, and protects against the formation of cataracts.   It also accumulates in the retina, where it participates in the production of pigments that enhance visual acuity and protect cells from oxidation. This is classified as form of prevention for eye diseases, particularly macular degeneration, which leads to blindness.  Therefore, regular daily intake is recommended to people who are at risk of eye disorders, as well as for seniors with impaired gastrointestinal tract absorption.

It is one of the rare substances that absorb harmful blue light, making it one of the substances that protects eyes against the negative effects of UV radiation.

Also, this antioxidant regulates the level of cholesterol in the body, protecting it from potential tumour cells.



Lycopene is another carotenoid with strong antibacterial effects.  Many scientific studies have shown that intake of lycopene has a positive effect on the heart rate, our blood pressure and prevents against the prostate, breast, skin and digestive tract cancers. This natural pigment can be found in tomatoes, which retains its antioxidant power, even after cooking.

Lycopene is one of the most powerful antioxidants that can protect the cells from the effects of free radicals.  Its anticancer effect is based on two mechanisms: preventing the formation of carcinogenic substances and conversion of normal cells into cancerous. It also has the ability to induce apoptosis (programmed death) of cancer cells.

Lycopene, together with vitamin C and E, prevents oxidation of LDL-cholesterol. Therefore, it is used in the prevention of atherosclerosis, reducing the risk of myocardial infarction or stroke. According to EURAMIC studies (1997) of the blood of monitored patients, high level of lycopene in the blood is shown to reduce the risk of these diseases by 50%. The values of lycopene necessary in the blood are 50 to 900 nmol / l.  Having been monitored for years, lycopene is recognised to protect men from prostate cancer.  Lycopene is found mainly in tomatoes, watermelon, red and pink grapefruit and peppers.

An Overview

In today’s modern world our bodies are challenged daily with many stresses, which can have a negative impact on us.  As we get tired we start adopting bad habits through convenience.   Over time these can lead to a weakening of our immune system, feeling exhausted and a loss of vitality. This is one of the reasons why the number of different diseases, allergies, from the minor ones to severe cardiovascular diseases, and cancers has increased in recent years.

StIMUNO complex is a strong antioxidant and immune stimulator, of plant based origin.  It is excellent for removing free radicals from the body, strengthening the cardio-vascular system, reducing the risk of malignant disease, detoxification, cleansing the blood and significantly improving circulation and tissue oxygenation.

The ingredients in StIMUNO complex have powerful actions as you will see below:

Beta glucan – immune-regulator, acts on the weakened immune system, protects the body from infections, reduces cholesterol, regulates blood sugars, reduces stress, increases antibody production, heals wounds, provides support for the treatment of oncological diseases, removes mercury and other heavy metals from the body and benefits people with diabetes.

Chlorophyllin copper complex – preserves the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, heals damaged tissues, helps with digestive problems and eliminates toxins from the body.

Flavanoids  – reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, asthma and strokes.  Offers protection for the brain, and are a potent antioxidant.

Lutein and lycopene – carotenoids, reduces oxidative stress, protects against radiation

StImuno Komplex – WHEN?  ALWAYS!

The immune system is a complex set of systems and reactions in the body, whose role is to protect the body from disease and infection. The main task is to discern its own and foreign cells, tissues or chemical substances. However, when something in the body does not work properly, it can create a health problem, disease or autoimmune reaction.   The only way to get out of this, is to enhance the immune system of the body and stIMUNO Complex is very good at supporting the body in this way.

Who can this help?

Basically to everyone:  People who already have a weakened immune system, and also as a precautionary measure in people with undisturbed immunity. Demand for strengthening the immune system continues to grow, and this product is a combination of substances that support the immune system.


The main objective of stIMUNO complex is to strengthen the immune system with its recipe unique in the market.  A similar product does not exist and stIMUNO complex constitution is currently unique in the market.

Simple dosing

Dosage depends on whether you want to strengthen your immune system preventively or instantly when you feel the need. If you care for your health prevention, one – two capsules per day is enough dosage. If some health problems occur, the dosage may be increased for a short time. 

Ideal combination

It should be noted that the support of the immunity is only one part of the prevention you can do for your body. There are immunity, hormones, internal environment, adaptation to different types of stress: work stress, emotional, chemical, physical, environmental.  For the complete prevention, it is necessary to act in all directions.  StIMUNO Komplex covers only the immune system, but carnosine combines a wide range of areas. We recommend stIMUNO Komplex and KARNOZIN EXTRA as the perfect combination.